Gin & Tonic DIBALDO

Two possible ways of making an Essential Gin & Tonic according to the DIBALDO style. At your discretion, you can make a Gin & Tonic with a milder flavor profile, using Nostradamus, or a bold one, using Paracelso.


• 3 cl Nostradamus or Paracelso Gin
• 20 cl neutral Tonic water (e.g. 1724, Galvanina, Schweppes)
• Lots of ice


• Peel of untreated organic citrus fruit


In the glass filled with ice, we pour the chosen spirit, complete with tonic and untreated organic citrus peel.

Compared to the traditional cocktail, just 3 cl of spirit is enough to have a complete and balanced Gin & Tonic.

A variation to try: add a bar spoon of BBB to finished Gin & Tonic, to juxtapose the freshness of the gin with the warm, Middle Eastern notes of the Baldo Baldinini Aperitivo.