It’s hard to describe what kind of person is Baldo. He does not like to be in the middle of the stage, that’s why are few the people who can affirm to know him well: the only story everyone knows is the one linked to its vocation and the ability of its olfactory sense.
He is born in Romagna and immediately he identifies the world surrounding him first with his nose, then with all the other senses. It’s the perfume, the scents hovering in air that help him in identify a particular situation.
Expressing himself first of all with the art of perfumery, realizing true perfume essences, he chose to push himself beyond his limits and try to merge two different sensory spheres, but at the same time so similiar: smell and taste.
That’s how is born the decennial research made by Baldo, expressing himself nowadays through the Essenze, in unmistakable perfume for the palate.
Declining his studies, often obtained by centuries-old manuals, in the different form of the distillation, starts an unceasing research to compose a gastronomic essence worth being called Essenza.
The flavoured wine is the one more suitable for his ambitions. Having a stable starting point, working after on its olfactory characteristics to amplify the aromatic potential. Polishing as a sculptor the scents chamber of the starting wine, relying on the research of the Olfattorio, giving him the best tools to finish the deepest detail.
Everything has started with a dream. Then comes the ambition to make it real. Now the Essenze are alive.